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  • Become a Student
  • New Student Programs
  • Academic Guidance for New Students
  • Academic Guidance for New Students

    We want your academic transition to Goucher to be as smooth as possible. No matter what academic track you are on (even unknown!), we have the resources to encourage and help guide you.

    Academic Guidance

    Our First-Year Seminars provide an opportunity for you to delve into a topic that you are interested in, with like-minded peers. The small, discussion-based courses are taught by faculty from across the disciplines. First-Year Seminars serve as an advising group for new students, a place where they are challenged and supported to develop needed skills. A First-Year Seminar instructor or a first-year advisor will also serve as your initial academic advisor. Students who are uneasy about a class or about creating an academic plan should meet with their advisor and chart a plan.

    Review details about how to add, drop, or withdraw from a class. If you are struggling in a class, faculty are more than willing to help; all you have to do is ask. Additionally, the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) and Writing Center are useful resources.

    Any student ready to declare a major should follow the steps outlined here

    Academic Schedule

    Please be aware of important dates and deadlines as you plan for the academic year. We encourage families to visit during Family Weekend.